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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blogger Showcase: Teachable Moments

Today, I would like to showcase Teachable Moments! I find it amazing that through the internet we can connect with people on the other side of the world! It is fascinating to see our wonderful differences and similarities. You will love this post and it even includes freebies at the end! Read and enjoy!

Fractions by Teachable Moments

My name is Brooke. I'm a Year 2 teacher from Sydney Australia and my blog is Teachable Moments.

I am happy to be blogging here while Leah is on holidays :)

Fractions. Kids either seem to love them or hate them. Personally, as a student, I hated them and just couldn't understand them. But that was in the era of worksheets, worksheets, worksheets. Now we have fabulous hands-on resources at our disposal! Lucky kids hey?

I wanted to share with you some of the activities I use to teach and reinforce the concept of fractions with my Year 2 class.

Play-Doh Fractions
I have a selection of playdoh mats in this activity that range from making shapes to cut into halves or quarters to find a fraction of a collection of items eg. make 12 balls and divide them into quarters. How many in one quarter of the group.

Make a Pizza
Using a paper plate, students make their own 'pizza' using coloured paper. They might choose one half cheese, one quarter peppers and one quarter tomato. They then write a little blurb underneath using fraction notation to describe their pizza.

Fraction of a collection sorting
This one is super easy - as long as you have counters and some plastic bowls. Make some task cards eg Take 20 counters and divide the group into quarters. Set out the appropriate amount of bowls (two for half or four for quarters) and get students to share the counters equally among the bowls until they come to an answer.

Fraction cards matching
I have used these fabulous FREE task cards in my classroom for matching the visual of a fraction with its fraction notation. The download also includes the fraction word which is great if you have students you would like to extend. Go and grab it here.

and a FREEBIE for teaching fractions for you
Make a Pizza - Internet Task cards 
I developed these task cards after finding a very cute game on ABCya. The game is to make your own pizza. I made some cards up that use the ingredients in the game to practice halves and quarters. Click the picture to go and grab them.

Once again thanks Leah for letting me come and visit your blog :)

My name is Brooke and I live south west of Sydney. I have been teaching on and off for 7 years and have two kiddies of my own. I have been blogging since around April/May and love the great community I have found.

Thank you so much Brooke! It has been my pleasure to have you!

As I will be heading back home today, this will conclude the Learning 4 Keeps Blogger Showcase! I hope that you have all enjoyed meeting some of my favorite bloggers. There are so many creative and inspiring educators around the world and I am so blessed to have *met* just a few of them! See you soon and I hope that I am a toasty tan and not a burnt lobster! LOL

Friday, September 28, 2012

Blogger Showcase: Teaching 5 to 9

New Technology Loves – Positive Reinforcement

First of all I want to thank Leah here at “Learning 4 Keeps” for inviting me to guest blog today regarding my 2 latest and greatest finds for building the self-esteem and confidence of my students.  I have found, over the years, that if the students feel comfortable and safe within a classroom, the learning will come. 
I was reading Laura Candler’s blog during the summer and she mentioned finding her “Easy” button that she had purchased for positive reinforcement.  I immediately began scouring ebay and found one which I ordered that night.  

It didn’t cost very much (under $10) and it has yielded a much greater reward for my students and for me as well. How do I use it?  Whenever they receive 90 -100 on a quiz or test they come to my desk and push the “Easy” button…….it responds by saying “That was easy!”.  My students, from day one, have LOVED it.  I especially love it because I get to share in the accomplishment with them and I take a minute or so to discuss their success. 

On the second week of school one of my most timid, shy and precious little girls made a 100 on an AR quiz.  Instead of her going back to her desk, she came to tell me.  I had her push the button and we talked about it.  She had the most beautiful smile on her face as she went back to her seat………………….priceless!!!!

Another great new form of technology that I am using on my Smart Board everyday is called Class DoJo.  It is super easy to set-up and even easier to use.  This is what it looks like:

And YES it can also be controlled and accessed by an iphone. 
I use the program as a form of classroom management as well as a homework award.  After adding first names only, each child is assigned the cutest little monster avatar.  As I check the students’ homework they go to the Smart board, click their avatar and click homework.  A point is added to their total.
Aren’t they just the cutest?

I plan to also use the Dojo as an immediate reward for good citizenship and behavior.
The other side of the program is that there are negative comments which take a point away.
BUT WAIT!!!!!   There’s MORE……..
There is also a report that can be printed for parent conferences and progress reports……….awesome.
Thanks again to Leah for allowing me to stop by and share my latest tech loves for the classroom.

What's not to love?!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blogger Showcase: Hooty's Homeroom

I am so excited to be introducing you to an amazing blogger! Her blog was one of the first that I followed and her button one of the first I added to my page. I know you will enjoy this post today! She has even offered a freebie at the end! 

Using Foldables

Hi, I’m Hooty from Hooty’s Homeroom and I’m guest blogging today.  I want to share my love of  foldables with you.  I am so thankful that Dinah Zike created the concept of interactive notetaking.  She is amazing!  I use foldables so much in my classroom that it becomes second nature to my kids.  I can hand them a piece of paper and tell them what kind of foldable I want and they go right to town. 
It does take time for 3rd graders to become folding masters so I like to start the year off with templates.  One of the templates I use the most is for flaps.  The number of flaps I use varies depending on the information being learned.  I’ve added flaps to composition books and to other projects such as paper bag books and envelope books.

This is a science foldable we added to our paper bag matter books.  I had the kids describe the properties of a Tootsie Roll using their 5 senses.

I created this map elements template to use in our map book created from a manila envelope.

This rounding template was added to our math journals. 

I plan to use this prefix template when we study prefixes this year.

There are so many uses for flaps in note taking.   I’m including a flap template for you if you’re interested in giving it a try.  There are text boxes for you to type in or you can delete the text and add clip art.  The template is in Word format.  When viewed through Google Drive the formatting looks off but it downloads correctly.

Here’s the link:

Hooty's homeroom
I have been teaching for 19 years and have taught 2nd-5th grades. I've spent the last 8 years teaching 3rd grade in a rural title 1 school in Texas. I love using technology in the classroom and at home. I have been bitten by the journaling/notebooking bug. I think Dinah Zike is amazing! I'm married to a high school English teacher and have two wonderful daughters. My free time is spent blog hopping and reading.  I recently added coaching soccer to my list.  What was I thinking?!  Even though I really want to simplify my life, I've decided to add blogging to my already hectic life.  You only live once, right?

I {puffy heart} love these ideas! I admit that I hadn't realized all of the wonderful manipulatives you can create from office supplies! Head on over to Hooty's Homeroom and follow her amazing blog! You won't regret it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blogger Showcase: Taking a Walk on the Teaching Side

Today I am so excited to introduce you to Kristin from Taking A Walk on the Teaching Side! Today, she will be discussing something that we forget we need until a cold hits us at 2:00 in the morning or we trip down the stairs in the front of a church during prayer and break a foot. (ummmm..... true story! *blush*) Enjoy!

Substitute Planning

About a month into the school year, there always seems to be a sudden increase in the amount of substitutes being utilized due to absent teachers, which is why I thought it would be a good time to discuss how to have a successful “absent” day.

Everyone knows how stressful it can be to take a day away from the class. Teachers have to lay out detailed plans and prepare copies, make sure all prior commitments are fulfilled, get a substitute, and hope that the students and the substitute get through the day without the teacher. I have been a teacher, but due to the location of the school I was in, (just too far away) I chose to not resign my contract and instead look for a job with a bit more ideal of a location. However, the economy was not doing me any favors, and so this year I was unable to get a job and instead I am subbing. I know what I liked for my substitute to do when I was a teacher, and now I know what I’d appreciate teachers do since I am a sub. Also, as teachers, emergencies occur and you can’t always have a specific lesson for that reason. From my experiences as both a substitute and a teacher, let me walk you through the essentials that will help your absent days be more successful.

The ESSENTIAL!- A Substitute Binder:
Prepare a substitute binder that is eye-catching and keep it somewhere the substitute can find it easily. This binder should have a table of contents and all of the information the sub will need. In your binder, be sure to include the following items. Your sub will love you for it!
- Student roster with any special information about the students (behavior, allergies, etc…)
-transportation log for the substitute to know how the students get home
-forms for behavior, clinic passes, hall passes, and maybe even some award certificates the sub can give students who did exceptional for the day!
- step-by-step ,easy to read details of your general daily schedule. Be sure to include how to take attendance, lunch, when and how students are allowed to go to the restroom, specials, rotations, lunch, recess, dismissal instructions, and other important information. Also, be sure to include details about any students who may get pulled out by another teacher, or if any other teachers come into the room for assisting.
-emergency procedures and maps (tornado drills, fire drills, etc…)
-A general map of the school
-Any people in the building that may be best to go to for questions
- A form for feedback
- general worksheets, instructions, or lessons for emergency days
-specific details, instructions, and materials for days that are not last-minute emergency absences
-any additional contacts
- a list of where important items are
-  any seating charts

These are materials that I think are especially useful for the sub and the teacher. If you prepare this binder at the beginning of the year, it will make it soooooo much easier when you do actually need a sub. All you will need to do is print out the specific day’s lesson (or in case of emergency, you will already have emergency lessons and will not need to do anything…except get a sub of course!)

While the teacher should leave the substitute all of the items I mentioned above, the substitute should also be considerate by arriving on time, reading through the instructions and asking other teachers to answer any questions they may have, treating students appropriately, following the materials and lessons left by the teacher, making sure students are being supervised, sticking to the times and transitions, making sure all students get home correctly, leave feedback about the day and students for the teacher,  take up papers and materials if requested, and try to keep the room in orderly condition.

I hope this advice helps you, whether you’re a teacher or a substitute. Making a thorough substitute teaching binder can be tricky, but luckily there are some pre-made binders available for you, including my 29-page editable ultimate sub binder. It is an adorable polka dot theme, and includes all the essential sheets that I mentioned above, plus some other helpful items you can add to your binder, such as a poster, extra time task cards, and more! 

You can find it at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store :
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful year!

My name Is Kristin, and I am certified early childhood teacher. I am currently a substitute due to relocation, but have previous Title-1 teaching experience. I love to create resources and materials that will engage my students and make them want to learn! I love blogging, sketching, dining out, cupcakes, and my family! You can follow my blog, Taking a Walk on the Teaching Side at for tips, links, freebies, giveaways, 10 Weekly Teacher Finds, resources, and more!

Thanks Kristin!! I hope you will all be back tomorrow for some positive classroom reinforcement made easy with technology! You won't want to miss it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Blogger Showcase: The Enchanted Homeschooling Mom

I am so excited to be welcoming a homeschooling Mom like myself! However, this busy Mom does more than teach, she also creates great resources and blogs in her spare time. (*wink...*wink...) As I am a homeschooling Mom, I know the irony of that phrase! Please welcome Jill from The Enchanted Homeschooling Mom!

Old Book Treasures Found During Our Apple Orchard Field Trip

After a long outing of apple picking at our local apple orchard, I sat down to flip through some treasures I found at my favorite little bookstore that sells old used books in our small town. 

I found this AMAZING geography book that we will be using for many years to come.  

I also found an old McGuffey reader. The stories and illustrations are fantastic!

Then I stumbled on this Holt science textbook from the 80’s. I am so thrilled with this purchase. I found this textbook for less than $5.00. It comes with all of the basics for K-3 as well as chapter activities, tests and assignments. It has everything that today’s science books cover in the classroom with the exception that the pictures are very outdated but the kids get a kick out of it and it remind me of my youth since I was in elementary school in the 80’s.

My absolute favorite find of that trip really is this book. It is from 1946 and is made by Scott Foresman. I paid less than $6.00 (since they gave our family a homeschooling discount on everything we bought). This book was geared towards the second half of the school year in 2nd grade. The illustrations are gorgeous and the stories are simplistic yet still relatable in this day and age.

Moral of this story is no matter where you are, keep your homeschooling sonar goggles on and you may just some real treasures (It also helped that right before I went into the bookstore I had a huge espresso so I had more than enough focus and energy, LOL). I plan to keep these books as keepsakes for our children in hopes that one day they might homeschool my future grandchildren.

Make it a magical homeschooling day,

Jill is the creator and author of Enchanted Homeschooling Mom blog and E.H.M. Member’s Only Website. She has been homeschooling her two children for over 5 years now. Life can get busy very quickly in Jill’s household with a husband, 2 children and 3 dogs. She prides herself in the time and attention she places on educating and enriching her children. She happily shares all of her creations that she has made for her family’s homeschooling journey with everyone.

Thanks so much Jill! Being an educator is so amazing because you can literally find teachable moments and resources everywhere you go! For instance, you will find many amazing resources over at The Enchanted Homeschooling Mom! ;) I hope you will check it out!

See you tomorrow for another Blogger Showcase where I will be spotlighting a blogger/TPT seller who has great products and freebies! I, of course, will be lounging in the Bahamas... Ahhhhhhhhh...........  *grin*

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blogger Showcase: Fun In 1st Grade!

Hi, friends! Welcome to the first day of my Blogger Showcase! I am so excited to introduce to you Dana from Fun in 1st Grade! As you all know, first grade is my favorite grade so I love reading her blog! I am honored to have her write on Learning 4 Keeps today and I know that you will enjoy her as well. She even has included something special for you at the end! ;) 

This is my first time to ever be a guest blogger and I am so excited and honored!   I should probably start by introducing myself.  I am Dana from Fun in 1st Grade.  I have been blogging since late April and have been teaching for 10 years.  I have taught Pre-K, K, 1st, and 2nd.  I love blogging and will admit, at times, it takes over my life…
Leah asked me about a week ago to be a guest and I have been racking my brain ever since.  I decided I would ramble talk about math.  Love it or hate it, we have to teach it and our kids have to know it.  Math is a focus at my school this year, so it has been on my mind a lot.  My state is switching over to Common Core Standards for math and language in K-2 this year and 3-5 next, so we have received a lot of math training. 
There are many ways to teach students to add and subtract.  We are currently using EnVision Math by Pearson .  This series, like most others, teaches every way imaginable to add- make a ten, use doubles and doubles plus one, count on, use a number line, and related facts.  With subtraction, they learn to use a number line, related facts, and count backwards.  While I teach all of these methods, I REALLY like to teach my students TouchMath.  If you are not familiar with TouchMath, here it is in a nutshell- each number has specific dots on it and the students learn where they are and count up or down, depending on addition or subtraction. 
We do our TouchMath a little differently than the company that sells the program.  We call it Touch Points and have changed the location of the dots on the 9 and how we draw a few of the dots.  The method is still the same, though.
Here are their numbers-

The dots are easier to draw on tiny little worksheet numbers than a dot with a circle around it.  We just practice over and over where the dots are and how many times you touch it.  For an addition problem, I teach them to say the big number then touch the points on the smaller number wile counting up.  It is the reverse for subtraction. 
Click {HERE} for the parent letter we send home, explaining this concept.
Click {HERE} for the numbers with Touch points.
What are your thoughts on teaching children to add or subtract?  What works for you?

Thanks to Leah for this opportunity and I hope you’ll stop by my blog soon!  I am having a 500 follower giveaway that you don’t want to miss!

Thanks so much for joining us Dana! Just click on the link above friends to connect with Dana and to watch for her 500 follower giveaway! I am sure it will be a fantastic occasion!

See you all tomorrow for another Guest Blogger! Happy Blogging!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Off to Sail the Seas and a Blogger Showcase!

Hello, friends! I can't believe that the day is finally here! I am off to head towards the coast so I can sail away on this baby:
sigh.... I can... not... wait...
I am praying for calm waters and a peaceful trip. My plans? ummm.... Absolutely nothing at all! Woohoo! I am going to eat until I wobble, sleep until I am rested (could take a while) and spend some QT with my handsome hubby and a few friends.

But, I have not forgotten about all of you my bloggy friends! :) While I am gone, I have left my little blog in the best of "hands!" Each day I am cruising, you will be enjoying a Blogger Showcase which entails a guest blogger that I personally follow! This week you will learn priceless teaching techniques and even enjoy a few freebies!  Here is the lineup!

So, plan to be back here everyday my friends as I know that you will enjoy the posts! :) I might think about you once or twice while I am lounging on the deck. ;)  Are you jealous yet? teheheheehee

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's a SALE!!!!

Hi, friends! I was stalking um... reading a few blogs this morning and found a great blog hop going on! In honor of Fall, there is a group of TPT sellers that are having a Fall Sale! Well, who doesn't love a good sale! I knew I had to jump in because the weather is FANTASTIC here today and because anything with the word y'all in it has my vote. :) And, well, who doesn't love a good SALE! tehehheheehee  If you would like to score 20% off, just click the picture below to head to my TPT store!

To find more than 50 other sellers taking part, just click the Second Grade Math Maniac button below! Have fun!

Happy Fall Ya'll- Blog Hop

Hello, friends! What says the beginning of fall better than a BLOG HOP! Okay, okay... a pumpkin spice latte says it pretty well, too. Maybe I will head there later. But, in the mean time, I am linking up with!

As an extra note~ Winners have been chosen for the Wowzers, What a Winner! Giveaway! You can check them out here. All winners have been sent an email. If you were a winner but did not receive an email, please send me one at Thank you!

To celebrate the change in seasons, we are posting all things Autumn! You might find crafts, recipes, teaching resources... who knows?! Here, I will be sharing some of my teacher resources since baking is not my forte and crafting only comes in spurts after cruising through way to many Pinterest pictures. :) But I digress, cruise through this post to find resources you can use in your classroom and a couple of freebies at the end!

This Leaf Activity pack is a brand new resource that I am excited about! It is an activity pack focused on leaves that include writing, math, and art projects. You can visit my TPT store to find out more by clicking on the picture below:
Next up is a Fall / Autumn Literacy and Math Unit! I introduced this pack a few weeks back which you can read about here.   I love this pack because it includes lesson plans and projects for three autumn books (which can each be bought separately in my store), writing activities that focus on the writing process, and math worksheets that can be easily included in homework, centers, or seatwork. Click on the picture below for more details!
Next up is a Spooktacular Halloween Math Practice pack that reviews 3rd grade concepts. Depending on the student's level, it could be used in 2nd-4th grade. All sheets also include keys for easy grading. Check it out here

Thanks for cruising! (Can you tell I have Carnival Cruise on the brain? 2 more days!! Woohoo!) Here are a few freebies you can enjoy that also celebrate the season!

Also available for free is a Fall Worksheet pack that includes 4 worksheets! Check it out by clicking below!

Now, I hope you will hop around to find other great Fall items!! Happy Fall Ya'll!

Fall is in the air! Cooler temperatures, changing leaves and pumpkins are right around the corner. Let's welcome in the new season with a fun hop around the blogs.
Thanks for joining in!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Teaching My 3
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Teaching My 3"><img src="" alt="Teaching My 3" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Friday, September 21, 2012

Freebie Friday~ Reading Log

Yesterday, I wrote about Reading Strategies! So, I thought I would offer a freebie that correlates with reading. Available is a cute reading log that you can use in correlation with student's reading homework or to reinforce the topic of opinions. It could also be used as a form to show which Accelerated Reader test the student is ready to take.

The process? Students read a book, list them on the form, and then mark if they liked it or not!

I hope it is something you can use in your classroom! Enjoy!

Also, today is the last day to sign up for the 100 follower GIVE-AWAY! Just click on the link for your chance to win some awesome prizes!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reading Strategies

Hi, friends! Reading is a passion of mine. In fact, when I applied for my internship, I chose first grade because it is the year that students really learn to read! After my internship, I was so thankful to find first grade positions to work in. There is nothing better than having a front row seat to a student's reading growth! Even better, to watch a student's love for reading grow! That is magical to me!

 One thing that I found in teaching Reading is that it can best be learned by actually doing. This means that to learn to read, you must read! Simple, huh? Not really if the child doesn't want to read or has a difficult time reading. Just getting them to read period is an accomplishment.
So, I constantly found different ways to encourage or excite children about reading! One technique that I am sure many have heard about is D.E.A.R. reading.  This stands for Drop Everything And Read. At some point in the day, I would say, "Time for DEAR reading!" All of the students would drop what they were doing, grab a book, and head for an area in the room. I let them choose to go wherever they would like. This could be lying under a desk, in a corner, or at a table. The rule? READ!  I found that the students were excited about DEAR reading because they never knew when I would say it, and they felt they were "getting out of" their other work. ;) I also had a box of stuffed animals that were in the shapes of bugs that the students could choose. The kids loved to grab their "Reading Bug" to take with them!
Another reading method was Buddy Reading. I would say, "Time for Buddy Reading!" The students would grab a partner, grab a book, and read together. The rule? Read by taking turns, page by page. I did not do this everyday. It was usually about twice a week. I would sometimes assign the book. For instance, I would have them buddy read using their reading book for extra practice. To switch things up, I would also assign partners at times. I would keep in mind those students who were patient or natural teachers and partner them with struggling readers.
One thing I have never gotten over is the beauty on a child's face when they have successfully read an entire book. I have tried to pass on the same passion for reading to my girls and I never get tired of finding them sitting in a corner of the house buried in a book.  My favorite quote has long been, "Reading is the magic key, to take you where you want to be."  Read on, my friends!

Speaking about reading, if you haven't read about the MEGA-GIVEAWAY that is happening, you must check it out!  You won't want to miss out on your chance to win resources from over 25 TPT sellers! Click the link below to enter for your chance to win one of the five prize packs!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Finish My Work? Today?

Hello, friends! Have you ever had a kiddo that looks at you with wonder when you say they must finish their work? As a public school teacher, I ALWAYS had at least one student who would forget that, "yes, we actually do schoolwork at school!"  Since I have started homeschooling my little ladies, I got to play a bit of tug of war with my middle child which would take FOREVER on an assignment because she would sneak books to read under the table or play with her pencil for eternity and a day! (What can be so fascinating about a pencil I will never know!)

Anyhoo, I thought I would share a technique to help those stragglers finish their work. I have also seen this used for children with disabilities that needed encouragement or for those that struggle with Attention Deficit. Maybe it can help you as well!

It is a classwork completion puzzle. This is what it looks like:

Here's how to use it! The black and white picture is laminated and taped to the student's desk. Small velcro circles are attached to the blue circles. You then cut up the colored picture square on the dotted lines. Laminate these pieces and put the other side of the velcro on the back of these pieces. The student can then earn the pieces throughout the day when they complete what you have specified. For instance, they could receive a piece for finishing Math, Reading, Writing, and Language. After they have earned all four pieces, they receive some type of reward (ie. computer time, extra play, games, your choice). At the end of the day, they turn in their pieces and begin again tomorrow. 

Would you like to try it? I have a classwork completion puzzle pack available here. You can download a girl puzzle and boy puzzle for free! I hope it is a help to you!

Also, if you haven't linked up with the "Wowzers, What a Winner!" Giveaway, just click the link below! Twenty-seven teacher resource creators have teamed up so that 5 winners can be chosen to enjoy educational resource goodies! The winner will be announced on Saturday! Best of luck!

 Have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Behavior Management? How Do You Manage?

Hello, friends! My topic today will be about behavior management! I confess that over the years teaching, I used several different methods. The "pull a card" method was my first, a little old but it was effective. I also created a "Take Five" method that used popsicle sticks and miniature hand stickers: fun and when I was consistent, very effective! Isn't that always the secret? Consistency...

Anyhoo, today there are many more great ideas out there to manage the classroom and many focus on reinforcing positive behavior rather than just punishing negative behaviors. So, I began to do a little research and created a behavior pack that I think you will like! It is based on the vertical behavior clipchart that so many are using! I thought that I would make it cutesy so I went with an adorable owl theme! For serious! This is one my favorites out of the items I have ever created. Evah! What do you think?

This pack includes decorative signs to encourage good choices! It also has seven circles that can be printed on cardstock, laminated and attached to a vertical ribbon strand or board. The student's names are written on clothespins and all begin on the Ready to Learn circle. The student's can move up the circles to Star Student  by choosing good behaviors throughout the day. They can also move down the circles to allow students to track their behavior and make better choices. A cause and effect chart is also included to explain the consequences of moving down the chart. Notecards have been included that can be stapled to homework or included in their homework folders that will let the parent know their child's behavior and a record form is also included for you to notate a child's behavior throughout the week. This could be used for every child or perhaps just the children that you feel needs a record of behavior for parent conferences or meetings. (I am sure a face popped into your head as soon as I said that!)   ;) 

I hope you can use it! Just to add a bit of excitement, I will be giving a pack away to the first comment on this blog post! Just comment and leave your email! You can also find it on my TPT store here.

This is a link up with What the Teacher Wants in her Behavior Management Linky Party!
Have a fantastic day everyone! And don't forget to enter for your chance to win one of the FIVE giveaways offered for my 100 follower celebration! Just click the link below!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cruise Preparation and 100 Follower Giveaway!

Hello, friends! In just about 6 days, I will be leaving for Orlando to sail away to the Bahamas! The time has actually flown by and I am just now stressing planning what I am going to wear and what to take! I found a couple of cute outfits yesterday but I know that I am going to need a few more things. ;)  I need to be prepared! LOL

While I am getting ready, I hope you will check out the MEGA-GIVEAWAY that I am having! You will not believe all of the amazing goodies that can be won. Just click on the pic below for your chance to win some awesome educational resources. I am crossing my fingers for you! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Wowzers, What A Winner" Giveaway!

Hello, friends! I am so excited to be celebrating 100 followers!!! This has been such a great journey and I am excited about the future of my little spot in the bloggyverse! It has been a great place to connect and share.

So, in honor of this occasion, I am offering a fantabulous giveaway with the help of some buddy sellers and bloggers! Ummmm... make that 26 buddy sellers and bloggers... WHOA! The best part is there will be more than one winner. The following items will be grouped in 5-6 item packs that will also include an item from yours truly. That means that I will have 5 winners who will win great packs of educational resources! That sounds like quite a celebration to me!
Check out what you can win and the awesome friends who are taking part! You can click on their name or button to visit their blogs! Buckle up bloggie friends; this will be quite a trip!

Second Grade Nest
Second Grade Nest will be donating a Literature Fun Friday Teacher's Guide packed with activities revolving around popular children's books! Check it out here!

Creation Castle is donating a Nutty About Prefixes Pack that can be used for centers, practice, or assessments! You can check out this super cute pack here:
Kristin Dammaco- a fellow TPT seller will be donating a short vowel center set!  This pack includes worksheets, cards, charts, and games! You can check it out here:
Fun Games 4 Learning
Fun Games 4 Learning is donating an Ultimate Math Board Games Collection that is PACKED with awesome games! Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all in this MUST HAVE set. Take a glance at it here:
Primary Paradise is contributing an Ordinal Numbers set that includes an original song, picture cards, posters, a puzzle, and worksheets! These all work together to teach and reinforce the concept of ordinal numbers! You can look at this fantastic resource here:

Enter for these great resources here! More are listed below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Amy at Adventures in Teaching is contributing a Vivid Vocabulary pack that includes 6 sets of vocabulary activities! You can use these as whole group activities or in centers! Here's where you can find out more:

Jenn at Live.Teach.Create. has offered her Wonderful Word Problems set to assist in reinforcing the all-important word problem skills! You can see it here!

Teach With Laughter
Teach With Laughter has  been so generous to allow you to choose from her awesome store! With over 80 products to choose from, that is quite a choice! You can start filling out your wishlist at
Bayside Teacher has contributed a pack of eight dominoes games that focus on percentages, fractions, and decimals! This would be great to use in a math center! It is also a Halloween item that would be perfect to use in the month of October!  Check it out here:

Flying into First Grade
Flying Into First Grade has invited you to visit her store and pick any item you would like if you win this giveaway!! Want to start looking! Head to her store here:
Enter for your chance to win this great set here then keep scrolling for more!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
No, my friends! That is not all you can win! Keep reading for more exciting products available in the giveaway!
teaching, life, and everything in between
Teaching, Life, and Everything in Between has donated her Using Your Senses Poetry Activity that would be great to use in a center! It includes topic cards, poetry paper, a graphic organizer and more! You can see this item here:
The Groovy Teacher has offered a groovy deal in that the winner can choose an item from her store! She has an adorable Halloween Math Center Pack that you will love but that is not all she has! Check it out here:
Primary Possibilities has offered her Initial Sounds and Letter Identification activities for the winner! This set could be used for small groups, interventions, centers, or station work. You can see this cute set here:

Kindergarten Squared is a dynamic duo who has offered their Fabulous 200 Fry Word Journal and Practice! It is an awesome resource for teaching the second 100 Fry Words that will last an entire year! You can see this fabulous item here:
Liv to Teach
Liv to Teach has offered an excel spreadsheet pack called Response to Intervention Made Easy! This provides a great way to monitor children in your classroom. She has even made it easy for you to implement it by providing a video! You can get the 411 on this great set here:

Enter to win this pack here then keep scrolling for even more!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Is this all a girl can give?! Is this all a blogger can offer?! No way! Keep reading! ;)

I Love First Grade has been so generous to offer her 44 page Wild About Word Work Set that allows you the ability to insert your own words! How fantastic is that?! This set provides 10 weeks of word work and you can find it here:
Teaching Beginning Spanish Sounds
Doodles and Kreations (Teaching Spanish Beginning Sounds) has offered their English Alphabet Letter Writing Cards. These would be great to use for early writers! Check it out here:

Linda at Around the Kampfire has offered her "Action Adventures with -tion and -ture" pack that includes hands-on activities and a writing crafitivity! You can scope out this amazing set at:
A Series of Third Grade Events has offered her Teaching PIE (Author's Purpose) with Chocolate Chips pack! It is a fun and yummy way to teacher the author's purpose in persuasion, information, and entertainment pieces. Have a look!
Frog Spot Blog From the Pond
Frogspot has been so generous to offer any item from her teaching resource store!! My...! You might want to start looking now! With over 240 items to choose from, it may take you all week to find just what you would like! This is a fantastic opportunity! Check out her amazing store here:
Enter here and then find more below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hippity Hop Teacher Spot has also been so generous to allow a shopping trip in her store! The winner will choose any item they wish! You will find great Science, Math and Literacy resources to enjoy! Check it out here:
Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Teaching has offered her Movie Themed Reward Coupons that help to reinforce positive behaviors in the classroom. You can look at this cute resource here:
The Peanut Gallery has been so kind to donate her adorable punctuation posters! Each colorful poster has an adorable bug theme that would dress up any classroom! Look at this cute resource here:

The Teacher's Workspace has offered a Constitution Day Power Pack that could be used as a tool to enhance your lessons! Check out the pack here!

Confessions of a Teaching Junkie
Confessions of a Teaching Junkie has offered a great Powerpoint resource to teach inferences. It is an 18 slide presentation with modeled and guided instruction. Check it out here!
Last, but certainly NOT least, is 
Rulin' the Roost has offered a pack of Pumpkin Patch Math Story Problems! These adorable activities allow students to work through story problems and show how they find the answer! Adorable! You can find them here:
Enter for this great pack here!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
How do you like them apples?? or products?? ;)