- Listening- to worship music as this is one of the only things that keeps me going while trying to SUMMER clean my house. ugh.... pick up, clean out, throw away, give away... My house is upside down!
- Loving- that my family is helping! Seriously, I would NEVAH get this done if I was one my own.
- Thinking- a milkshake would hit the spot right now! Now to find my keys... ;)
- Wanting- new bookshelves!! I have hundreds of books that need a new home since my hubby stole mine for his office. I also want new shelves for a few of my closets. Can you say unorganized? ugh...
- Needing- to get all of those rafflecopters finished and ready to post!! HINT: There is a MEGA giveaway coming up this week to celebrate 500 TPT followers as well as 500 Facebook followers!
- Tips, Tricks or Hints- One thing I try to remember is that I not only write for my current followers but also for the future. I have found old posts that still gain readership. This was especially encouraging when I only had one faithful follower. Thanks Mom! ;) Also, I have learned not to force it! There are times when, frankly, I am not up for writing. Life seems crazy and I am fighting to keep my sanity. I am sure you never get there. ;) So, often I have to decide to wait until my mind is bit more clear and my priorities seem in hand before I write.
Before closing up this post, I thought I would share my newest Off to the Beach pack with you! All of the items are available individually or in a big bundle. I hope you like! Also, I have included a desk tag freebie that matches the set perfectly! I hope you enjoy it.
Just click on the TPT photo below to see in my store!

Hope you having a great day! :) It is back to organizing for me! Do you have a time of year when you clean out and reorganize?
ugh, I am definitely needing new shelving! It has been on the Honey-do list for about a year now! haha! Oh well, maybe my honey will get to it soon enough!
First Grade Fabulosity (2nd Grade)
Now I want a milkshake too! Cute beach set!
Moments to Teach